Thursday, March 25, 2004

.busy as a bee

These days I was caught in between finalizing 4 tour books for my current office, Dwidaya Tour & Travel and designing an advert for Kompas monday's edition. Plus I need to handle the TG advert for Premier Asia tour book.

*tired, wanna go home

Monday, March 22, 2004


Ini satu lagi
Alur nafas yang tersendat
Anyaman dalam kisah tanpa jawab
Hanya tanda tanya yang mengiringi
Akankah akhirnya sama seperti dulu????

*lagi puitis

.i'm back

Nope, this is not my first time using this blogger thingy. I have one, sharing it with my college friends, but since I really like blogging, I decided to have another one.

*old but new