Wednesday, October 15, 2008


My friend/boss found this program that can make you look like you're born in the 60's. Funny. Even at first I didn't recognize some of my colleagues.

*which one is me?

Monday, October 13, 2008

.kicking and punching

Ndut is getting bigger and more active. He likes to kick and punch me from the inside. It's cute but sometimes a bit hurt. But I love it, I can really feel him inside me.

The funny thing is, he starts kicking early in the morning when hubby's alarm is on. It's an upbeat Madonna's song, so either he likes the song or he's startled.

He also likes to eat a lot - through me, of course. No wonder I really look like a pregnant penguin who tucks a basketball inside her shirt. This makes me hard to sleep on my back, so now I have to sleep on side.

*fat but happy

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

.it's a

BOY! Just like I'd expected. But either way, as long as the baby is healthy, boy or girl, doesn't matter at all.

Hubby and I are very very excited and now we're looking for the name. Apparently there are better choices for girl rather than boy. Oh no.

*let us just call you ndut for now, ok?