Josh is one month old! In Chinese tradition, this have to be celebrated by giving a one-month-old-baby package to family and friends. We ordered the packages from Iton - a sister company of Eaton, the famous bakery.
In each package: red egg, kue ku (not sure if we have the English words for this), steamed bun, cake, pinky-mouse bread (because Josh's born in the Year of Rat), baby-boy bread, and yellow sticky rice.
While the star himself, doesn't realize that today is special :) Compared to last month, his cheeks and thighs are chubbier - just like KFC. Ha ha. Oh, and his cries are louder with higher vocal range (watch out, Mariah Carey!). He doesn't cry during bath time anymore, though still a bit confused when we put him inside his small tub.
But he doesn't like to sit still while drinking milk, so we have to walk around the room until the milk is finished. Watta baby.
*so cute and so lovely
ow ow i just found out this blog...
i googled "Joshua Xaverio Irawan" and jengjengjeng! keluar lah link yg membawa g kesini hohoho....
wanna see josh uget2 ga jelas kalo mau pipis tapi ga mau sampe kena pipisnya,, hahaha pasti lucu deh...
lucu amat, masa kalo pas tidur dia kaget karena kentut hahaha...
memang bayi itu kentut sembarangan trus kaget aja jadinya lucu dan bikin ketawa, coba kalo g yg kentut tiba2 pasti dikata2in jorok hahaha...
mau liat josh kecipak kecipuk maen air pas di mandiin
ntar kalo dah gedean diajak berenang donk!
hehehe iya nih gue tulis disini jadi kalo mau tau cerita josh tinggal baca blog aja.
kalo mau liat fotonya tinggal buka fesbuk deh hehe.
ya kentutnya sih emang lucu, tapi baunya sama sekali ga lucu haha.
loe tanya mom aja tuh yang udah pernah nyium. horor.
oh pastinya akan gue ajak berenang dong.
hopefully bulan depan dia udah bisa dibawa-bawa.
gue mau ajak dia ke babyspa nih hihihihihihi.
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